5 Must Listen To Podcasts For Motivation and Inspiration

Listening to podcasts have become a staple in my daily routine. I have chosen to turn off the radio, unplug the TV, and tune into podcasts. My preferred time to listen to podcasts is when I am at work and during my werk hours. Yes, the second werk is spelled with an “e” intentionally, keep reading to find out why. I am currently subscribed to over 20 podcasts but there are 5 specifically that I listen to for motivation and inspiration. Listening to other people's stories and knowing where they were and where they are today is truly inspiring and motivating. Here is a list of my 5 motivational and inspirational podcasts:

1. Confessions of a WERKaholic- Confessions of a Werkaholic shares the untold success secrets of fearless female entrepreneurs who are obsessed with success. The "E" in Werk stands for the Energy and the Effort you put into yourself and your business.  Koereyelle Dubois interviews female entrepreneurs and small business owners who put the "E" in werk to get to where they are today. They tell the how, why, and what they have learned on their journeys. She has what she calls Soul-Snatching Solo episodes where she talks about the things she's been through and the lessons she has learned being an entrepreneur as well as being brutally honest about what we need to be doing to get what we want.

2. Side Hustle Pro- Side hustle pro spotlights bold black women entrepreneurs who have scaled from side hustle to profitable business. Host, Nicaila Matthews Okome began interviewing side hustlers on her blog after she was turned down from a job by Google. She moved from a written Q & A to audio interviews and launched her podcast.  Listen for your weekly installment of Side Hustle Pro and learn actionable strategies to start small and get going wherever and whoever you are.

3.Blessed +Bossed Up- Taking over the platform formerly named the Black Girl Boss Podcast, entrepreneur Tatum Tamia realized her entrepreneurial journey and spiritual journey were not intended to be separate, but rather one in the same. She creatively merges faith and business, teaching listeners how to grow in their personal endeavors, in their relationship with God, and their entrepreneurial endeavors. Each episode takes a deep dive into personal topics, leaving listeners inspired and ready to take action in their own lives.

Therapy for Black Girls-This podcast is a weekly chat about all things mental health, personal development, and all the small decisions we can make to become the best possible versions of ourselves. Host Dr. Joy Harden Bradford is a licensed Psychologist who offers practical tips and strategies to improve your mental health, discusses the latest news and trends in mental health, pulls back the curtain on what happens in therapy sessions, and answers your listener questions.

The Bombshell Diaries- Hosted by award-winning serial entrepreneur, author, and speaker Kyshira S. Moffett, The Bombshell Diaries is dedicated to entrepreneurship, branding, and the lifestyle of the everyday busy bombshell. From building your network to launching your side hustle, the show is filled with actionable strategies you can use today. It also features interviews that spotlight women who have built powerhouse brands in the fashion, hair, and beauty industries.

What podcasts are you listening to for motivation and inspiration? Comment below and let me know so I can add them to my library.

How To Make Whipped Shea Butter For Natural Hair

When I began my natural journey almost two years ago, I did not want to spend money buying and trying all the natural products on the market. I knew for sure I would need a good shampoo, conditioner as well as a good deep conditioner and moisturizer. I knew I could DIY the last two with ingredients from my home or purchase them and have enough to use for a long period of time. I decided to make my own moisturizer for my hair and wanted to share. The recipe below made about 10 oz for me, but you can adjust to your liking. 


4 tbsp Unrefined Shea Butter (here
2 tbsp Unrefined Coconut Oil (here)
1 tbsp Jojoba Oil (here)
1 tbsp Almond Oil (here)
1 tbsp Jamaican Black Castor Oil (here)
1 tbsp Vitamin E Oil (here)
1 tbsp Olive Oil (here)


  • Double boiler or metal/glass bowl, mason jar, and a pot
  • Hand Mixer
  • Airtight container


  1. Place shea butter and coconut oil in glass or metal bowl and place the bowl on top of a pot of low boiling water to make a double boiler. If you do not have a glass or metal boil a mason jar works as well which is what I used then transferred the oils to the bowl shown in the photos.
  2. Once the shea butter and coconut oil are almost melted, remove from the water and add the remaining oils to the bowl. 


      3. After all the oils are in the bowl, place in the freezer for 40 minutes to solidify.
      4. Remove the oil from the freezer and pull out your hand mixer.

         5. Mix for 20 minutes or until it is whipped and looks good enough to eat but don't
             taste it. 

                  6. Make sure the mixture is completely whipped and has no lumps.

                 7. Use a spoon or piping bag and transfer into an airtight container and enjoy!


Wash Day for Natural Hair

When I started transitioning almost 2 years ago, (March 12th, 2017 big chop coming March 16th, fingers crossed that I don't chicken out) I declared Sundays to be "Wash Day". For those of us who are transitioning and have natural hair, this day is an important day but it can be long. Though can be long and tedious, it is definitely needed and your hair will thank you.

Not all wash day routines are created equal, do what works best for you and your hair. 

Wash Day Products

  1. Hair Oils
  2. Shampoo
  3. Conditioner
  4. Deep Conditioner or Hair Mask
  5. Leave In Conditioner
  6. Hair Clips
  7. Denman Brush
  8. Wide Tooth Comb
  9. Scalp Massager
  10. Xscape Radio on Pandora

Wash Day Steps

  1. Pre Poo-This is done before you shampoo your hair, hence pre-poo. I use both oil and conditioner for my pre-poo. This is done to avoid stripping and breakage of your hair from the shampoo. Section your hair in 4 sections using the clips and apply both products from root to tip. When I am done applying the product, I place a plastic cap on my head and wait 30 minutes to an hour before rinsing it out.
  2. Shampoo-Shampoo only the roots and get a good lather. Do not shampoo your strands as they will be washed when the shampoo is rinsed from your hair. Use your fingertips and not fingernails to raise the dirt as well as massage your scalp. I have a scalp massager and use this in place of my fingertips. 
  3. Conditioner-Section your hair, apply conditioner and detangle. Leave on for a few minutes and rinse.
  4. Deep Conditioner or Hair Mask- Apply mask or conditioner from roots to ends making sure to place lots of product on the ends as they are the oldest part of your hair. I like to add hair oil with my mask or deep conditioner to lock in moisture. Place plastic cap on your head and sit under the dryer for 30 minutes and rinse.
  5. Leave-In Conditioner-The last step is the beginning of the LOC or LCO Method. LCO stands for Leave In or Liquid, Oil, and Cream. Liquid/Leave In-Provides Moisture, Oil-Locks in Moisture, Cream-Seals in Moisture
  6. Style as desired        

The products shown below are currently in rotation for my wash day routine. Not shown is the Shea Moisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Hair  Strengthen and Restore Masque

What steps do you do on your wash day?
What do you listen to during wash day?
What are your favorite products for wash day?


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